was one of the first weight loss programs to provide a complete Internet-only weight loss program. They appeared in about 1999 backed by dietitian Jennifer May.

The DietWatch Eating Plans
There are 4 diet options:
Balanced - A balanced eating plan for general weight loss.
Reduced Carb - not to be confused with low carb diets such as Atkins - here the carbs are set at 40%.
Low Cholesterol - this diet plan will keep saturated fats to a minimum.

You can choose to lose weight or maintain weight. Their free diet profile will take your information and come up with a daily calorie level (even including vitamins and other micro-nutrients).

An Excellent Program
DietWatch provides all the features and tools you would come to expect in a subscription-

The calorie levels, and nutrient mix appear to be very sensible and well thought out. From our own profile, the nutrient ratios for the balanced plan appeared to be around 50% carb, 20% protein, and 30% fat - which is an excellent balance between the current low-fat vs low-carb debate.